Digital-Billboard-Ad for Davis county DA more info at FYI pay $7 to help keep Troy Rawlings profile on the top position in line at XOoPlay aka (7 for Heaven) & you get a VIP copy of this profile custom NFT & you help rent digital billboard ads to help them see their sins out loud so they repent/apologize on video to be removed from XOoPlay, it's that easy.
Troy Rawlings
Must see ASAP-> Davis-County-DA-Troy-Rawlings <- This website is growing and soon we will have a Thank You Box for all you 7ers that bought the right to Digital Billboard these cunts so we can expose them & save their souls, Amen
04 patrons have paid $7 to Troy Rawlings CAU profile Thank You...
#1 Anonymous #2 Anonymous #3 Danny Chadwick #4 Anonymous
Please support our cause to expose all cunts of the world by purchasing our NFT's