I-Have-So-Many-Recordings-Of-Corrupt-Racist-Christina-Boddy of ORS I don't know where to start. (FYI- The only Judge I went before for my twins "child support" was in Jefferson County Colorado 2013. I have a recording of the trial where I was my OWN attorney & every time I asked Denise Bartlett about Daryl Acumen & her activity in front of the judge, Denise pled the 5th so not to incriminate herself. The Colorado Judge did note something was wrong & instructed me to go back to Utah & report the deadly "Bad Data" I had informed them about.) Lets start with -> www.AndresEsquivel.com
Christina Boddy ORS
CLICK-HERE-Screenshot-And-Video-Recording of Christina Boddy will blow you away. I warned Boddy from 2010 to 2017 over and over that people were going to get murdered becuase of the deadly "Bad Data" Daryl was covering up & Boddy would say, "Surrrrre you found deadly Bad Data, I will report that A.S.A.P LOL"